How to make a donation to the Moravian Church

Online donations coming soon

We are in the process of building an online donation platform.

Until it goes live we currently welcome your donation to the Moravian Church of the British Province over the phone, or via a BACS transfer.

How to donate today is explained below.

Here is a list of current projects and areas of the Moravian Church of the British Province that you can donate to today:

fas fa-angle-right
  • Archives
  • Book room
  • Children's work
  • Local congregation - please specify
  • Home mission
  • Mission overseas
  • South Asia
  • Summer camp
  • Tanzania
  • Unity Prayer Day offering
  • Youth work
  • Other - please specify

Donate by phone

020 8883 3409

Simply call us today and we can easily process your donation payment to the chosen project or area of the Moravian Church.

Donate by email

Email us today, stating your chosen project or area of the Moravian Church and your phone number, so that we will contact you to process the payment.

Donate by BACS payment

When you do a donation via BACS please make sure you add a reference for the project or the area of the Church that the donation should go to.

It just helps us to know where the money should go.

Moravian Church British Province bank details:

Account Name: Moravian Union Inc

Sortcode: 40 52 40

Account No: 00023436

Thank you!

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