Page 7 - Moravian Messenger - October 2021
P. 7
Moravian Pilgrimage
Day 1 1 1 September 11th
© Moravian Pilgrims
'MALMESBURY SUNDAY SCHOOL TREAT The annual examination and Christmas treat of the Sunday school connected with the Moravian Chapel in this town took place on Wednesday evening Notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the the weather a a a a a large company assembled in the chapel at five o'clock Tea and cakes were provided by kind friends for the scholars most of of whom to the number of of 130 were present Each scholar at the close was presented with an an orange ornamented with raisins and small wax taper attached as a a a a a a small souvenir of the day and which we believe has its origin in in in a a German institution connected with the Brethren's school in that country the children appeared greatly to appreciate the graceful little present ' Even supposing this Christmas candle service at Malmesbury to to be one of the earliest to to include Christingles
many other Moravian congregations had adopted the the the the practice before the the the the middle of the the 20th century We will look at some examples of this next month including the first televised service I'm grateful to to to those who contributed to to to the Moravian History Magazine #13 'Christmas Candles' in in in 1997 It's an an an excellent source of information which I I heartily recommend for for further reading Other sources available on request I would like to hear people's memories of of Christmas Candle/Christingle services that that took place before the 1970s or or of of those that that have been passed down by a a a a a a a previous generation Also please share any service sheets recordings or or photographs My contact details are available via the Editor Br Kit Shorten
On a a a a a bright sunny Saturday 10 intrepid explorers brave enough to to try to to visit all the the the Moravian Churches in in in the the the British Province gathered at at Leominster to begin their journey They had all travelled some distance to be there setting off very early This adventure relies on on on the the congregations for food shelter and and encouragement along the the the way and and for for the the the congregation to join in in with the the the liturgy liturgy written for this event So after breakfast the the the the liturgy liturgy including the the the the Hosanna anthem and the the the the the pilgrims' song (written for this event) was shared in the the the the church with the the the congregation present Then they were off Next stop Brockweir then Kingswood Bath Bath Coronation Avenue Bath Bath Weston Tytherton Swindon Blackbird Leys Harlesden Hornsey and finally Church House Quite a a a a a a a a a marathon lots lots of of driving lots lots of of people met met along the the the way The distance and the the the tight timetable did mean they were a a a a a a a a a a a little late arriving in in various locations but they got there in in the the the the end were fed along the the the the way and and sung and and prayed in in each church This has all been done to raise funds for for the the the Youth Fund and for for for for the the the Mission Board as as well as as for for for the the the the personal challenge for for for the the the pilgrims If you you feel you you can donate there are several ways to do do this The easiest is is the the go go fund fund me me page: https://ie gofundme com/f/moravian- pilgrimage?
Alternatively money can be sent to the 'Moravian Union Inc' by BACS or or cheque to Church House making sure the payment payment is labelled 'Pilgrimage' Card payments can be be taken over the telephone by calling 020 8883 3409 Thank you to everyone who has made this possible This sage is is to be continued Sr Joy Raynor