Moravian Messenger November 2019
P. 1

Ministry in the Moravian Church is a three-fold order of Deacon, Presbyter and Bishop. After usually four years of training and then a year as a student minister, ordination as a Deacon follows. Within several years a proposal is put to Synod recommending that the Deacon goes forward for Consecration as a Presbyter. This is an important step in a Minister's life as it is both a confirmation of their ministry as the Deacon and a chance to rededicate themselves to the life and service of the Church and our Lord. It marks the end of supervised ministry, but it is not the end of learning in ministry as there is always something new to understand about our Lord and new ways to serve his people and the wider community.
It was a real family affair when Br James Woolford was consecrated a Presbyter at Hornsey Moravian Church on Saturday 28th September. James, flanked by his wife Annette and his father Roy and mother Kathryn, and their two children Edward and Charlotte, and his brother Paul, sat on the front pew and his
colleagues in ministry sat in the two pews behind.
The service and consecration with the laying on of hands was led by Sr Sarah Groves who was assisted by Br Joachim Kreusel and Br John McOwat. Sr Susan Foreman and Sr Rose Griffiths read the Bible passages and Sr Kathryn Woolford preached on John 15:1-17. The Hornsey Choir directed by Sr Hyacinth Christian and accompanied by Br Chris Foreman on the organ sang 'So send I You' and this was followed by a solo of ‘Lean on me’ by eight year old Sr Abigail Edwards who was accompanied by Br James on the electric piano. Both items were beautiful and a very fitting part of
the service.
The congregation sang the hymns lustily, two of which had been chosen by James, being 'Here I am Lord' and 'Let us build a house where love can dwell'. Sr Kathryn told us that James had first had the call to ministry during the ordination service of Br Michael Newman. James had said earlier that these two hymns had followed
him through his training and congregation calls and spoke to his call to service.
The Right Hand of Fellowship was given by representatives of the Districts and from one of James' fellow students at Northern College and by a Methodist representative of the local Hornsey clergy.
Afterwards followed the wonderful hospitality of the Hornsey Congregation with tea and cake, wine on every table and a magnificent spread of food. Everyone enjoyed the chance to celebrate with James and to catch up with friends old and new from across the Moravian Church. Because we are such a widespread Church these occasions give us the opportunity to see each other and build the bonds of fellowship. So many, many thanks to the folk at Hornsey for their splendid care of us and every blessing to James and his young family.
Sr Sarah Groves
Minister of Gracehill Congregation
A Family
- Consecration of Br James Woolford
Meeting with Catherine West MP
(page 122)
Moravian Mission Council
(page 125)
(page 126-127)
Reports of the Heritage Weekends
(pages 128-130)
© Sr Sarah Groves

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