Moravian Messenger May 2019
P. 1

MAY 2019
moravian messenger
The weather in Yorkshire on Saturday 16th March at Lower Wyke couldn't have been more dreary, with driving rain and wind, but nothing would deter the warm welcome given by members of the Wellhouse and Lower Wyke Congregations, as serving and retired ministers and congregation members from around the Province gathered together for the Consecration as Presbyter of Sr Jane Dixon. Every district of the Province was represented, with three Bishops in attendance. The church was packed and there was a real sense of joy and celebration as the service began. Sr Sarah Groves, our newly consecrated Bishop, conducted the consecration with the laying on of hands ably assisted by Br Joachim Kreusel and Br John McOwat. Br McOwat also preached on the text for the day: 'Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect' Matthew 5:48, having us all in stitches as he reminded us and himself of all our imperfections.
The Yorkshire District sang an excellent medley of hymns enthusiastically led by our Choir Master, Br Simon Dunn, who will be leaving Yorkshire in the summer for pastures new in the London Area. He will be very sadly missed by us all.
Consecration as a Presbyter is, as it should be, an important step in a Minister's life in service. Following a proposal at Synod recommending that a brother or sister goes forward for Consecration is in itself a confirmation of one's ministry, but just as importantly, it is a time for the minister themselves to examine the path they have taken and to affirm the promises made at Ordination to 'spend and be spent in the service of Christ' and 'to work loyally with his/her brothers and sisters according to the principals of the Moravian Church.'
Sr Jane, currently serving the Lower Wyke and Wellhouse congregations and having previously served the Royton and Salem Congregations in Lancashire, has shown
© Br Robert Hopcroft
herself to be a very capable and dedicated minister and it has been a privilege to support her as her supervisor these past years. It was wonderful to see her husband Mark sitting alongside her and supporting her as she was consecrated.
As Moravians, there is nothing better than gathering together in a packed church, raising the roof with hymns of praise and thanksgiving, renewing acquaintances and coming together as one in Christ.
Well done and thank you, to the sisters and brothers of the Wellhouse and Lower Wyke congregations for an absolutely wonderful spread of food and drinks after the service, where the shared fellowship and love in the Sunday School was palpable. It was a 'right royal do', and now all our thoughts and prayers are with Sr Jane as she continues in her ministry, and may she serve the Lord faithfully in
the years ahead. Br Robert Hopcroft
Consecration of Sr Jane Dixon
The European Conference on Christian Education
(page 51)
Finding Zula's Hollow
(page 54-55)
Asher Sampson
(page 56)
Introducing Jared Stephens
(pages 57)

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