Page 1 - Moravian Messenger October 2018
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Ongoing work after hurricanes Irma and Maria in the Virgin Islands
September 2017 was a most heart rending time for the Moravian Church Eastern West Indies Province. Hurricanes Irma and Maria ran a path of destruction through the North Eastern Caribbean and caused untold damage in several of our Islands. Barbuda, St. Maarten, Tortola, St. John, St. Thomas, St. Croix and Dominica among other Islands were devastated.
Many members on St. John, St. Thomas and St. Croix lost everything. Their entire properties were laid waste. Those who were blessed enough to still have a portion of their house have not been able to remain there for everything got
waterlogged. It is reported that a number of persons from St. Thomas and St. Croix took Mercy Flights and Mercy Ships out of the Island the first opportunity they got. The Mercy Flights/Ships operated when the Airports were closed and the Military planes and ships came in to deliver supplies and then took persons who wanted to leave the Islands up to the US mainland. It is believed that many went to live with family and friends.
The onslaught of the hurricanes has had a tremendous impact on some of our Congregations, and the Virgin Islands Conference. As a Province, we sought to help the best way we could in helping to
restore our buildings that were damaged. We have received generous assistance from the MCF, American Board of World Mission, the British Province, World Day of Prayer Committee-London, Emanuel International-Canada, the Czech Province, the Costa Rica Province, the Christianfeld Moravian Church in Denmark, some individuals and congregations in the Northern Province, USA, and Conferences in the EWI Province. In addition, the Northern and Southern Provinces provided the 2018 Daily Text Books to the Virgin Islands Conference and to St. Maarten free of cost as a part of their contribution to the relief effort. The cost estimates to repair
Continues inside on page 110
Summer Camp 2018
(page 111)
Safari: A Journey in God's Plan
(page 113)
Derrick James Purnell
1959-2018 (pages 116)
God and the Weather
(page 117)
© Br Cortroy Jarvis

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