Page 7 - Moravian Messenger September 2018
P. 7
reason for rejoicing. Women, men, black, white and younger members reflecting the diversity in our Church.
So please pray for our new Provincial Board and for the election for the other full time post that needs filling. Give thanks for all that they bring to the tasks ahead of them. It can be a lonely and thankless task at times but may they know God's blessing as they serve us.
Sr Sarah Groves
Editorial Team
The Moravian Church in Great Britain & Ireland
After Synod 2018, the following have been elected to serve as Provincial Elders:
Sr Roberta Hoey (By Postal Ballot 2016 - 4 years Stipendiary); Sr Zoe Taylor (Synod 2016 - 4 years Non Stipendiary);
Br David Howarth (Synod 2018 – 4 years Non Stipendiary);
Br Livingstone Thompson (Synod 2018 – 4 years Non Stipendiary); Br Paul Holdsworth (Synod 2018 – 2 years Non Stipendiary)
The Provincial Board (PEC), in being elected, are thereby elected as Trustees of The Choir House, Fulneck School, Ockbrook School and the Moravian Union Incorporated which includes the Moravian Church, the Estates Property Portfolio and The British Mission Board in compliance with the Charity Commissioners.
In addition the Provincial Board act as Directors of the Moravian Union Incorporated as regulated by Companies House and each hold one share in the Company whilst in office. Br Paul Holdsworth has been appointed as Company Secretary.
The Unity Synod has entrusted oversight of the work of the Moravian Church in the South Asia Mission Province to The British Mission Board and has a close relationship with the Western Province of Tanzania as agreed by the Unity Mission Agencies. The British Province, through the British Mission Board, continues to have close links with and give support to The Elim Home, Star Mountain and Sikonge Hospital. This support is directed through the Unity Mission Agencies who have been entrusted with that responsibility by the Unity Synod.
The P.E.C. met to decide upon the divisions of responsibility; but it remains a collegiate body, with all decisions being the responsibility of the Board as a whole.
The Provincial Board
Chair Sr R Hoey Provincial Treasurer Br L Thompson British Mission Board Sr R Hoey
Br Livingstone Thompson
I was born in the parish of Manchester, Jamaica, and grew up in the Bethabara Moravian Church, where I became a communicant member in my early teens. It was here at Bethabara that I sought and received candidature for the ordained ministry of the Moravian Church. After
completing an undergraduate theological degree and ministerial training in Jamaica, I served several circuits, including Lititz, Bethlehem and Springfield, where I was consecrated presbyter. While serving at Springfield, I was granted leave (in 1989) to study in Chicago, USA, where I completed a graduate degree in theology. From Springfield I was called to serve the Trinity Circuit in Kingston in 1991, where I remained until 1999. During the period 1993-1999 I was a member of the PEC in the Jamaica Province.
While pursuing postgraduate studies in Ireland, I also taught at the University of Dublin, Trinity College. After completing a PhD in theology and religion, I returned to Jamaica in 2003 and was elected President/Chair of the PEC. During that time I also served as Moravian tutor and lecturer at the United Theological College. After returning to the family in Ireland in 2005, I taught at the Church of Ireland Theological College, the University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin City University and the London Academy of Diplomacy.
In addition to the congregation ministry, I've been involved in human resource training for public and private firms and served on the Central Committee and Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches. In 2015 I was accepted as a minister in to the British Province and currently serve Kilwarlin and University Road congregations and represent the Moravian Church on the Irish Council of Churches EU Affairs Committee.
Our family, Jean-Marie my wife and daughters Lesley-Ann, JoAnna, Jordana and grandson Jayden, crave your ongoing prayers.
Br Livingstone Thompson
Minister at Kilwarlin and University Road Congregations
Property matters School matters
Br D Howarth Sr Z Taylor
Members of PEC will attend the following Provincial Committees as appropriate:-
Finance Committee
Church Service Committee
Faith & Order and Ecumenical Relations Committee Mission and Society Committee
World Mission Committee
Provincial Youth Committee