Moravian Messenger August 2018
P. 1

All Change at Synod
© Br Kenneth Evans
Elections Results and Summary of Proposals passed
One of the Ecumenical guests at Synod observed after it was over that 'Synod indicated a remarkable degree of vitality and confidence, and that the Moravian Church continues to punch above its weight'. That could possibly be the view of many of those attending this year's Synod.
The first resolution to be passed on the Friday was the proposal to elect a new bishop at Synod. So, when elections began on the Sunday morning, the first election was that of Bishop. It is a great pleasure to report that Sr Sarah Groves, minister of Gracehill and Ballinderry Churches and a member of the Moravian
Messenger Editorial Team was elected Bishop. It was a special moment to witness as Sr Sarah was greeted by members of Synod after
the election.
The elections to the Provincial Board followed. It had been previously resolved to increase the number of places on the Provincial Board from four to six with two full-time (stipendiary members) and four part-time (non-stipendiary) members. No one was elected to the full-time post so now nominations will be sought from church members across the Province and a postal ballot will be held in due course, details of which can be found in this issue. Sr Roberta Hoey, who was elected at last Synod, continues as a full- time Board member for another two years.
Continues inside on page
New bishop elect, Sr Sarah Groves
© Sr Lorraine Parsons
Rajpur visit
(page 89)
How Safe Are
Our Children? Growing up online
(page 90)
East Tytherton Heritage:
An opportunity too good to miss?
(pages 91)
Heritage open days
(page 92-93)

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