Leominster, Herefordshire - November 2024

Leominster, Herefordshire - November 2024

Leominster held their Harvest Festival on 15th September. We were led for the first time by Sr Roberta Hoey, accompanied, as a welcome surprise to us, by Br David Howarth, who happened to be on his way back from a social occasion.

Our local food bank had requested non-perishable goods, but plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit were donated by members, their friends and relatives to add to the display. These the congregation took away, making donations to the organ fund.

Roberta’s main theme was the rainbow, which she illustrated by bringing and arranging a rainbow of beautiful fruits and referring to all the lovely colours already arranged on the communion table. Her talk was heartfelt and memorable. We also enjoyed her choice of hymns, prayers and readings, learning a new, very appropriate hymn.

We also had a good laugh at our organist’s pet hate, the use of the title ‘We plough the fields and scatter’ which needs the next line to make sense. I had drawn a card illustrating this for his upcoming birthday, so when the subject came up, he opened the card at my suggestion. He really appreciated my cartoon of people running away from a tractor ploughing a field!

Sr Dilys Howard

© Br David Howarth

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