Kilwarlin, Northern Ireland - Sept 2024
I begin my report from Kilwarlin with the death of one of our faithful members Sr Aileen Walker. Aileen was always there to help with catering or cleaning or whatever needed doing. She loved her church and her family, especially her two young granddaughters with whom she spent as much time as she could. She will be missed.
Services during Holy Week ended with an early morning service on Easter Sunday when we were joined by some members from University Road. This was followed by an Ulster fry breakfast which is always enjoyed by all. Ladies do the cooking, but the men are a great help washing up. Another successful service is Family Sunday when we invite members from our extended families including video calls. Another excuse for tea and buns.
Our annual Garden Party, which began in the 1920s, was this year held on a lovely summer day. Everyone enjoyed afternoon tea with strawberries and cream.
Sr Esther Law