The Harlesden congregation had a very busy summer. On the 26th June the Women’s Fellowship had their Anniversary Service, led by Sr Ola Lawal, a lay preacher and good friend of the congregation.
A barbecue was held in the church hall on the 27th July in collaboration with The St. Kitts and Nevis London Association, working in the Community to encourage friends, family and neighbours to learn more about each other’s background and their culture. We welcomed Rev Ian Green our twined friend from Amersham Free Church and six guests. It was a very enjoyable day shared by all in attendance, especially the lovely variety of food on the menu: jerk chicken, burgers, sausage, etc. Music was also played in the background for laughter and fun for those wanting to shake the pounds added with the lovely lunch.
At the end of August, a fund-raising dance was held in the church hall in recognition of Windrush month. The theme was One Love and £580 was raised for the church fund. A big thank you was extended to Sr Bernadette and her team for organising the event with delicious Caribbean food and old-time music to dance the night away.
Our Harvest Thanksgiving Service held on the 22nd September was led by Sr Ola Lawal. A bring and share lunch was provided by members which was served in the church hall after the service with a warm atmosphere greeting and sharing together.
We held a Macmillan coffee morning appeal in the hall after the morning service, on the 29th September, and £191 was raised for the church fund. This was organised by Sr Bernadette. A variety of cakes and biscuits was enjoyed by all. This again was a time of sharing and greeting in a friendly atmosphere.
The Men’s Fellowship Service was held on the 20th October. Rev Michael Newman was the Preacher. Delicious cakes, sandwiches, tea and coffee was served in the church hall after the service and was enjoyed by all.
Another collaboration event with The St Kitts and Nevis London Association was held on the 26th of October. An afternoon tea party was held in celebration of black history month with a variety of delicious cakes, pastries, sandwiches etc, in a relaxing atmosphere of sharing and greeting.
On the morning of 29th September and 26th October at 10am to 12 noon, a children’s fun day was organised by Srs Audrey and Betty, our Sunday School teachers, open to our young people and those from the community.
Our service on the 27th October was led by Br Edwin, which included the Love Feast. We shared buns, tea and coffee with each other.
We celebrated our Church’s 50th Anniversary Service on the 3rd November: the date in 1974 that the St Margaret’s and St George’s United Reformed and Moravian Church joined together as one in Christ. Our Preacher was Rev Edward Sannez our former Minister. A bring and share lunch was enjoyed in the church hall after service.
Our next event will be our Church Bazaar on Saturday the 16th November.
As we approach the end of the year, we give God thanks and praise for the Fellowship that we have shared with each other which will bring us all closer to our God.
Sr Heather Anderson