Service of Commissioning for Sr Susan Groves
The Western District came together on Sunday 7th January 2024 to share in a very special service as Sr Susan Groves was commissioned to serve the Brockweir congregation as Lay Pastor.
Sr Jane Carter and Br Michael Newman led the service which also included a Baptism and welcoming into membership of Sr Sian Vanloo.
Sr Sue was asked to take on the role of Lay Pastor by the PEC and has undergone training for this ministry. She is also studying at Northern College for the Accredited Lay Preacher's course.
Br Newman led the Service of Commissioning using a new liturgy that has recently been written by the Provincial Faith and Order Committee. The ministry of Lay Pastor is not new to the Province and certainly not new to Brockweir, from 1949-1952 'Granny Maud', wife of Bishop P. M. Gubi, served the congregation as a Lay Pastor and is listed on the board of serving ministers in the church.
The service was followed by a lovely tea in the Sunday school. Brockweir congregation are blessed to have Sr Sue Groves serve them and the District is very pleased that her ministry is formally recognised.
Sr Lorraine Shorten
(photo above shows: Michael Newman, Sue Groves, Jane Carter, and Sian Vanloo)