Wellhouse Moravian Church
Wellhouse, Mirfield, West Yorkshire WF14 0AN (1755)
As members of the Moravian Church we are proud of our history, but we want to serve Jesus Christ and share God's love TODAY.
A warm welcome
Our doors are open for all age-groups. The highlight of our week is when we worship together at 3pm each Sunday.
From time to time we have tea and coffee after the service, so that we can chat or listen to each others' news and enjoy fellowship together.
A modern building
Our building, being a modern multi-purpose building, is also used by groups during the week who need somewhere to meet. At the moment we have Dance Class which meet on a regular basis most days.
Our activities include:
- WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP - Meet at Wellhouse every Tuesday at 1.45pm.
- MORAVIAN WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION – Meet second Tuesday of the month at 7.15pm
We also hold many varied and entertaining family social events:-
... plus lots more besides!
Whatever you need, one thing remains as certain as it did when Wellhouse first opened its doors over two hundred and fifty years ago - whenever you visit Wellhouse you'll always find a warm welcome.
We're now on Facebook! So go on and give us a "like" for up to date information on what's happening. Simply search for Wellhouse Moravian Church and then "Like" our page to become a part of our growing online community.
Worship Times
Worship every Sunday at 3pm.
Lovefeast and Holy Communion at 3pm on the first Sunday in the month.