Kilwarlin Road, Hillsborough, Co Down BT26 6DZ (est. 1755)
Kilwarlin Moravian Church was founded in 1755 in the countryside near Hillsborough in County Down. The congregation meets in a charming chapel set in beautiful grounds and also uses a hall next to the church for functions.
Morning Worship is held every Sunday at 11am with Sunday School beginning a little later after the children have shared some of the worship time with rest of the congregation. Holy Communion is offered to all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour on the first Sunday of the month following the morning worship.
Kilwarlin Moravian Church Bowls Club meets on Thursdays in the Church Hall at 8pm and everyone is welcome to join us. Matches are played against local church clubs from time to time both home and away. Each year a Garden Party is held in the grounds. During the coming year, the youth will meet on the first Friday of each month at 7pm.
The Easter Sunday Service will be at 8am with part of the worship being held in our graveyard (God’s Acre) and will be followed by a breakfast to which all are invited. The service this year will include an act of re-commitment by members.
During the year six people were added to communicant membership.
Renewal and Revival - Go, Make, Teach - The GMT Strategy
During the year, members will be equipped for participation in a strategy for renewal, revival and growth - The GMT Strategy
Kilwarlin Battlefield Garden
Kilwarlin Bowling Club Retains Mortimer Cup
Tom Law, the youngest member of the Kilwarlin Bowling team receives the cup from Charles Costley, Captain for the University Road Bowling Team
250 Anniversary
2005 saw the 250th anniversary of the congregation and various events were planned including an Anniversary Dinner, a Heritage Weekend involving an Art Exhibition and the Anniversary Service. Roberta Hoey reports...
Sunday 23rd October saw our 250th Anniversary Service at Kilwarlin Moravian Church with our little church filled to capacity with over 180 members and friends. This was the climax of several months of events and activities to celebrate this landmark for our congregation, which started back in Lower Wyke in April when some of us attended the 250th Anniversary Service there. We took the opportunity to invite Moravian from the Yorkshire District to join us later in the year and sure enough twenty-four of our brothers and sisters came over to celebrate with us at Kilwarlin.
In May we were joined by the University Road Choir who came over to entertain us for our Guest Banquet. Over eighty people shared the meal with us that night and the food was superb! The summer was fairly quiet for us, although we did try to sell as many pens as humanly possible that we had had produced for our special year. In September things kicked off again with our involvement in the Heritage Day. This time we organised an Art Exhibition, with the help of the University Road Art Club, and over 160 people came to the church over the weekend.
The other main event in September was the sponsored walk between University Road and Kilwarlin, a distance of some 19 miles. Nearly thirty people took part in the walk and over a dozen completed it, with very sore feet indeed! This then lead us into our final month of events and efforts, which began with a concert by the Savoyards Appreciation Society from England, who entertained us with Gilbert & Sullivan and sacred songs. We hope that they will come back next year for the singing was excellent and the concert a great success.
Last and by no means least was our actual anniversary service, when we were joined by friends and members from the local area and from overseas, guests, such as our local MP Jeffrey Donaldson and the deputy mayor of Lisburn and former ministers including Br. Desmond Quaite and Br. Len Broadbent. Another Kilwarlin old boy, Br. Wilfred Mortimore, came over from England to preach and he spoke about the witness and worship at Kilwarlin in the past, the present and the future. Each family present was given a history of our congregation, a Kilwarlin pen and a picture of the church painted by Sr. Patsy Holdsworth.
We would like to thank everyone for their help and support throughout this year of celebration. We also thank the Lord for His guidance and blessings over the centuries and we pray that He will continue to be with us for the next two hundred and fifty years.
If you want to find out more about Kilwarlin Moravian Church then please contact the current minister, who is Rev. Dr Livingstone Thompson, and he can be contacted on +44 74 8480 6784 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Worship Times
All Sundays services at 10am.
[Holy Communion 2nd Sunday each month].
The exceptions to this are:
Easter Service at 8am
Harvest Thanksgiving, 3rd Sunday in October at 5pm
Anniversary Service, 4th Sunday in October at 3.30pm
People to Contact
Minister: Rev Dr Livingstone Thompson
Tel: +44 74 8480 6784
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Treasurer: Mr Jim Law
42A Kilwarlin Road, Hillsborough, Co Down BT26 6DZ.
Tel: 02892682223
Our Location
Kilwarlin Road, Hillsborough, Co Down BT26 6DZ
Finding us can be quite tricky: if you go to NI Ordinance Survey Map Sheet 20 'Craigavon' the church is the black cross near Corcreeny at grid reference 209588. We can be found by taking the A1 south west from Lisburn, then take the Ballygowan Road off to the right. Take the next right, Corcreeny Road to the end of the road at the bottom of the hill. At the end of Corcreeny Road turn right and the church is the first right, set back from the road and set in its own grounds.
Click the map to view a detailed map location